Sunday, June 1, 2008

Book Review: Fablehaven - Grip of the Shadow Plague

Within weeks of finishing the summer vacation Kendra and Seth find themselves once again thrown into the battle between good and evil. The fate of Fablehaven hangs in the balance as a mysterious shadow plague begins to spread through the magical preserve. The once plentiful supply of light creatures are being transformed into creatures of darkness with one purpose: swell the darkness and stop everyone else at all costs. Stakes are raised as Kendra and Seth do not know who is friend and who is foe in the battle to protect the supernatural preserve.

Mull provides a fantasy tale that includes hundreds of complex creatures and characters in such a way that it is remarkably simple to follow and enjoy. With each book in the series the characters are able to explore more and more complex situations while still retaining a sense of themselves. This book, as with the two previous, provides an intense action adventure from start to finish. Overall I give this book a grade of “A”.

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